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(1 edit)

Ein sehr schönes und gutes Einsteiger-Spiel für jeden, der noch nie mit Horror-Spielen Berührung hatte.

Die Spielsteuerung ist sehr einfach und es macht einfach Spaß zu spielen.

Was mir besonders gefällt, sind die vielen kleinen Details im Spiel, die perfekt in das Spielkonzept rein passen.

Ich freue mich schon auf das finale Spiel.

Scary Scuffed Games #230

Vorgeschlagen von: Beatdown_TV

Sehr nices Konzept, sehr gute Aufbereitung und witzige Story. Die "einfallslosen" Aufgaben von stereotypischen Horrorgames einfach zur Kernstory zu machen finde ich einfach großartig. Das einzige was ich vielleicht bemängeln könnte ist, dass der Camerashake z.B. beim peeking zu stark stark ist und man durch die Egoperspektiven und hastige Bewegungen im Spiel gerne mal die Orientierung verliert.

Für den Controllersupport würde ich auch noch eine Option für Invertierte Steuerung hinzufügen. Ansonsten hat eigentlich alles wirklich großartig funktioniert.

Schade, dass man seit dem nicht eingehaltenen Releasetermin nicht mehr so viel von diesem Spiel hört, aber vielleicht gibt es ja noch einen Überraschungsrelease! Ich würde mich freuen.


Dito: 4.3/5

Chat: 4/5

Gesamt: 4.15/5


Buen juego

The vacuum was teleporting
Deleted post


Muy buen juego la verdad tuve y aun tengo la oportunidad de seguir jugando a gusto , tiene bastante potencial . Espero que tenga futuras expansiones o actualizaciones  por que la verdad sufrí bastante al jugarlo y mas cuando eres una persona asustadiza  , resumidamente lo ame y lo recomiendo

Att: @BlasMonkey


Now, I'm a bit late to the party here lol. But this game was AMAZING!!! From the cool intro animation, to the nice art style of the game, and the intense gameplay. I was absolutely STRESSED when that man was chasing me 😂😂 But seriously good job with this!


thank you so much!! happy you liked it!

no problem, thank you for making it!!!😎

(2 edits)

I was quickly more scared than frustrated at the start, but when  I understood I could pick other objects than the plate, I really started having fun. The concept is original and well executed, the presentation is charming and the Vacuum Man is one badass antagonist.

Still, I have some remarks:

- I first thought it was unfair you couldn't run until I really grasped hiding in closets and under the bed. My only grip that remains is that there is no room with a hiding spot near the kitchen and the washing machine (and then again, I was lucky enough to get to the garage before the VM spotted me) , which makes it you don't go to these places as often as you would with the bedroom, the garage and the office.

- You persevere in checking around and avoiding the VM, but I still think there could be an indicator to tell you where he is, so you don't meet him around a corner and you're pretty much screwed. Maybe his eyes could emit a light similar to the ones when he sees you or he is in aggressive mode, to indicate he is in "seeking mode", so you can see him coming.

- I wish the respawn was randomized after the first checkpoint. Each time I spawn inside the bedroom, the VM spawns near and the first thing he does is investigating it - often twice. It slows down the gameplay when you want to be on the move and makes hiding redundant since there is no stake like high anxiety to take into account.

- I don't know why but the door to the bedroom couldn't be opened nor looked through near the end. I would be all right with it if it was meant to add some challenge, if only there was a symbol to indicate that you can't use it anymore and if it didn't get stuck while I was inside the room. I was forced to restart because of it.

- Toward the end, when the lights go out, the VM stopped running around and stayed in the kitchen. He didn't do that the last time I went this far so I assume it's a bug.

+ EDIT: You might also want to increase the width of click boxes for objects, so it's easier and faster to pick them.

Still, I had a great moment. Navigating around the house efficiently and emptying those rooms felt extremely satisfying. I'm really curious to see the final product!

Good and detailed feedback! Thanks!

Hmmmm the bug feedback is a bit troubling... this was on the latest version? 1.3?

(3 edits)

No problem, I'm always glad to give constructive feedback! (I haven't read anything similar to the bugs I've encountered on the 1.3 update though...)

I just tried the Hard mode and, I'll be honest, I didn't get far and I didn't see the point considering Normal mode was already hardcore as is. It made me want to add further remarks and suggestions:

- On top of adding a beam to VM's roaming mode (I'm thinking of a white light), I think it would be more balanced if he didn't go into chase mode the moment he sees PB, or at least not when he's at a certain distance. The player could be spared a lot of retries if he was given the chance to avoid being spotted by getting out of the VM's beam before it goes to full yellow. Meanwhile, the VM would stand and look intrigued as if he was thinking "Wait, is that the brat over there?" before he either goes into chase mode ("YEP THAT'S THE BRAT OVER THERE!") or goes back into roaming mode but first heads to where PB was standing - "Hmm... Could have sworn I saw something".

- You should maybe consider other mechanics to help the player sneak around the VM, like using objects to momentarily distract him, like that "sound box" in Alien Isolation. I'd rather avoid anything that could stun him or scare him away. You want to keep that unstoppable force of nature vibe to him.

- I'm not fond of VM's aggressive mode causing him to dash around the house. It mostly triggers a lot of unfair retries. One way you could spice it up is making the span you have to get out of his line of sight shorter.

- I really hope the release version will have a larger map with more ways that connect the rooms together. I spent most of my tries in Hard mode hiding in the bedroom and getting out only to meet the VM in the living room and being forced back in. It really doesn't help that only one side of the map has hiding spots and venturing by the kitchen is near suicide.

I don't feel like I give you enough credits though. I like the way you dispose objects around the house: you won't find a plate next to the kitchen, nor a toy in mom's bedrooms, which forces you to take risks and move between rooms. The voice acting is on point. I can't stress how adorable PB is. And, as a long time Bionicle fan, I love the Rahkshi toy model.

It's definitely a project worth seeing through. With the right balancing, I can see an additional "endless mode" where you are still cleaning the house but also trying to reach the highest score before the VM ineluctably catches you - with maybe some extra content, like unlockable arts and skins for PB and VM, as rewards to keep the player invested;

This game was incredible but I didnt really know how to get around without immediately dying.


Amazing game! i love the artwork and graphics, and the gameplay was defiantly solid too! There was a minor "glitch I found when hiding in the garage on the right side of the car lol. But overall I enjoyed it!! GREAT HORROR GAME!!!

OH wow! I mean it's still a death sentence but you successfully found a god-spot. I had no idea that was there! Haha, awesome find man. (Enjoyed your playthrough too btw!! And thanks for all the kind words!!!)


Cool demo! Took me a while to get the hang of the game. I look forward to the full game! 

Thank you!! <3

(1 edit)

I discovered this cool game while looking through and stuff. ^^ I just have, one problem though? ^^;

But uhm.. How do I start it up? It just gives me a file and thats it, Is there any way you could help me start it up or something?.. <:c

The file must be opened and extracted with a zip program. WinRAR is my fave for that. Google it. ;)

Thank you! Its working now. <3

(2 edits) (+1)

Vacuum go vroom.

Definitely looking forward to the full version to see how you will further the plot and improve the mechanics of this game. Odd to think that a game that looks almost like a cartoon/anime and premise is about a vacuum man chasing you around your home to suck you up can be such a scary experience.

(1 edit)

Haha who would've thought??

Thanks so much for playing man, glad you liked it. Watched your playthrough in full and it was entertaining. You sure figured out the mechanics fast as well, so kudos!


Looking forward to watching you play hard mode if you do! 😉😏 (But just FYI the ending is the same so don't get too let down! lol)


Dude the sound production makes this game a trillion times scarier to the thunders, plates that i drop and my flat feet hitting the floor. But what i wanna know is can the vacuum monster teleport?

LOL the first 30 seconds were amazing. And yes, yes he can.


I loveeeeeee the art style of this game, big shout out to Parimak for this one. One of my biggest fears is being chased and you'll hear me scream a couple of times lol, sit back and enjoy the video. Peace&Love <3

Thank you dude! Happy you enjoyed it!! <3

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